A1 Autoroute – France

Running from Paris to Lille, the A1 Autoroute is the busiest highway in France and it is currently managed by SANEF, major French group managing mobility infrastructures and operating related services, now part of abertis.


A significant percentage of highway traffic is due to Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV) and, as truck drivers are required to periodically stop and rest, most service areas along A1 tend to be overcrowded. Truck drivers often park wherever they can find a spot, including access or exit ramps and even hard shoulders, with a serious safety issue.

That’s way SANEF decided to implement a Smart Truck Parking solution to ensure proper usage of parking lots in A1 truck areas, also monitoring professional drivers’ operating vs. rest time.

Our solution

About 1,000 Smart Truck Parking Sensors are installed in several highway HGV-reserved lots, detecting vehicle occupancy information and conveying data to a centralized management system.


Since deploying this technology, SANEF has been experiencing higher usage and greater appreciation of truck rest areas, with a relevant improvement of overall road security.

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