Cities as complex ecosystems

Cities are more than just collections of buildings, roads, and infrastructure: they are complex ecosystems that act similarly to natural environments. What makes every city unique is the interconnection of its components — territory, people, businesses, transportation systems, green spaces, and more.

Urban planners and policymakers increasingly study these interactions, from natural ecosystems and urban biodiversity to evolving social dynamics and economic flows, and how they change in response to significant global challenges such as climate change, rapid urbanization, and variations in demographic pyramids.

Cities are also complex informational ecosystems, as most of their interconnections generate and exchange data. Urban data is increasingly valued as a productive resource to facilitate the transition toward more resilient and sustainable communities.

Data-driven decisions can improve the efficiency and quality of essential public services, support climate solutions, encourage more participatory, citizen-centered initiatives.

Let’s meet at Smart City Expo World Congress 2024
and discuss how IoT technology can enable data-driven urban planning and development!
Visit Paradox Engineering and MinebeaMitsumi in hall 2, stand C83,
join our presentations and side events


Listen to the opinion of Albedo Bettini, Head of Smart City / Smart Region Interdepartmental Axis at Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI):



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