Looking at Smart Cities from an Augmented Reality perspective

You might remember the Pokemon Go phenomenon in Summer 2016, or the latest campaign by rock band Pink Floyd to get fans directly engaged with a selection of albums and artwork.

But Augmented Reality is not only for videogames or tech gadgets. It is increasingly used by businesses in many industries for B2C as well as B2B applications, feeding a global market which analysts predict to reach USD 133.78 billion by 2021.

Augmented Reality allows users to project digital information onto the real world. Differently from Virtual Reality, it doesn’t block out reality or replace it with a completely digital world: Augmented Reality lets the actual world show through, adding digital objects or data on top of it.

There are plenty of potential ways for companies to use Augmented Reality. Think of 3D modeling and design, technical remote support, training and education programs, in-store marketing applications.

At Paradox Engineering, we leverage Augmented Reality to offer our customers and partners a unique immersion into Internet of Things applications for Smart Cities. Through our AR Smart City mobile app, users are guided into an interactive demonstration of how public services such as streetlight control, parking management, solid waste collection, video surveillance and public Wi-Fi can be managed and controlled from our PE Smart Urban Network platform, making Cities cleaner, safer and more livable.

The Augmented Reality experience includes digital animations of PE Smart Urban Network and its key City applications, from Smart Lighting to Smart Parking, up to Wireless HighSpeed Services and blockchain-powered services. Smart devices and data can be seen in action, with simulated readings from streetlights, parking lots, waste bins, building and environmental sensors, learning more about PE Smart Urban Network software and components.

Ready to immerse into IoT Smart Cities? Refreshed AR Smart City mobile app is now available for iOS and Android devices, download it for free from Apple Store or Google Play

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